Webinar, 29 april 2021: Applications of DWS to Pharmaceutical Formulation Technology

Webinar, 29 april 2021: Applications of DWS to Pharmaceutical Formulation Technology
Post publication date: 
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Thurday the 29th, April 2021 - 15:00 Europe/Zurich

Please join LS Instruments upcoming webinar with Martin Kuentz from the School of Life Sciences at FHNW (Switzerland) as a guest speaker! Many topics relevant to pharmaceutical research will be discussed such as emulsion homogenization, stability, or polymer-based drug delivery.

Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) is an intriguing technology to measure the microrheological properties of samples. There are many possible applications and this webinar has a focus on pharmaceutical technology.
A pioneer work was to study self-emulsifying drug delivery systems regarding their filling into capsules. Lipid-based formulations such as emulsions were also studied by DWS to characterize their homogenization and to predict their physical stability. First steps were made to monitor homogenization by using a flow-through cell as an online process analytical control of the manufactured dispersions.
Applications of DWS to formulations ventured also beyond lipids to study polymer-based systems. DWS provided here not only an analytical tool for the formulation itself but proved helpful for in vitro testing to better understand formulation changes and performance following oral administration.
Despite such advancements, DWS still seems to be rather underutilized in the pharmaceutical field and many technical opportunities still remain to be explored.

Prof. Martin Kuentz is a lecturer in pharmaceutical technology at the School of Life Sciences - FHNW.

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